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Arid soils

Arid soils are generally found in desert regions of the world. Arid soils These soils are sandy in texture and their colour  ranges from red to brown. Their taste is saline. In same places the salinity of the soil is so extreme that common salt can be obtained by simply allowing the soil solution evaporating under the action of the sunlight. The soils are generally dry due to poor water retention capacity of the soil. In some part of the year when there was no rainfall, the soil develop cracks and crevices. Thar Desert Desert soils Cracks developed in arid soils Arid soils are found in: Rajasthan India, Morocco, Sahara desert, Kalahari desert, thar desert etc. 


Apiculture is the rearing of honey bees . Honey bees are reared for their juicy sweet liquid called honey. Honey is very rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Honey bees are seen busy making honey Photo: Homestead Mate 

Arable farming

The term sounds too high fi! It actually means the cultivating of food crops in a farm. Cultivating of any crops for producing food stuff is called arable farming . Growing of rice, wheat, sugarcane, potato, turmeric, ginger, chilly, etc is called arable farming . Whereas growing of cotton or tea is not arable farming because they are not used to eat. You may think that why is tea cultivation is not an arable farming ? The answer is that yeah we eat tea leaf in our tea but only after being processed by machines.

Animal husbandry

Animal husbandry is branch of the subject agriculture . It concerns on the rearing and raising of livestock i.e. animals for meat or milk.


The subject the deals with how land is cultivated for crops or for rearing animals is called agriculture . Agriculture is the basis of human development. It   is the main source of livelihood especially in developing countries of the world. Agriculture is a vast subject it comprises of cultivating food crops, vegetables, cash crops , plantation , rearing animals. In other word we can say any usage of the land for producing something to sell for eating or clothing come under the term agriculture .

What are Antibiotics?

Antibiotics Everything that is living produces some chemicals in its life. Humans produce many chemicals from their body; blood, lymphs, mucus, saliva, bile are some chemical that are produced from human body. Other organisms too both very small or very big organisms can produce some form of chemicals. Our saliva for example can soften the food we take it can also kill germs. The microorganisms like fungi and bacteria also produce chemicals. Some of the chemicals produced by many fungi or bacteria species are so useful that human takes that chemical and turns them into drugs or medicine. These kind of chemicals are then used to treat diseases caused by other germs. That is those chemicals produced by the fungi or bacteria when put inside human body will help human to fight against other germs. That is they act as anti-germs. Hence they are known as antibiotics . Antibiotics are used as drugs to treat many diseases caused by bacteria or protozoans. However there are reports that


Androecium  is what they called the male reproductive part of a  flower . It comprises of the anther and its pollen . Read: Typical flower


Anther are part of a flower. They are found close to the stigma. Anther are like testicles in animals. Within the  anther  there are lot of young pollen grains or male gametes of plants. When the flower become mature and ripen, the pollen grains come out and cover the  anther . That's the time which you touch a flower some colorful powder stick in your fingers. Those dusty particles are the pollen or the pollen grains. See: typical flower


From geographical point of view a region above the ground surface or above the surface of water where the insect or birds can fly is an atmosphere . It is the region above the lithosphere or hydrosphere where air can move and pass freely. Atmosphere is like a soft blanket made of gases and dust particles. However people in everyday conversation make the term too simple to mean anything like to describe the way how they feel when they face particular situation. John does not like the atmosphere at the work place that’s why left his job.

Difference amongst lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere

If the land makes the lithosphere , water makes hydrosphere and open space of gases makes atmosphere then anything possible to see life makes the biosphere . So we can call the lithosphere as the hard bed of biosphere , the hydrosphere as the soft bed of biosphere and the atmosphere as the soft blanket covering biosphere or life from above.


Algae are kinds of plants. Common you know them but you never thought of them being algae . Algae are found in water ponds, lakes, rivers, sewage, some times in the corner somewhere in our home when there is kind of stagnant water. When you walk a cross a pond or any water body you see green, dark green things under the water. Those are nothing but algae . Every time you watch a television program like the Animal Planet or National Geography you see lots of green plants under the sea bed. Those too are algae . Fresh pond algae are like hair of a doll while marine algae are like soft giant flowers in our garden. Algae can never stand erect because they lack vascular system .

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