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Bangar - alluvial soil

Bangar alluvial soil is also known as Bhangar soil or old alluvial in India. It is less fertile than khadar . Bangar alluvial soil less fertile and less productive than khadar. This type of soil is mostly found near the old river banks in the plains or in the upper reaches of rivers. Based on the age of formation and their fertility, alluvial soils are grouped into two groups viz - Bangar alluvial soil and Khadar alluvium . Bangar Old alluvial is full of rock and gravel in upper reaches of Brahmaputra in Assam The river course always changes with the change of time. The river bank will not follow the same reute forever. When its bank becomes shallow as a result of too much deposits the river will change its course and this leads to the lesser deposits of the new alluvial soil in the bank. The khadar soil in the old river bank will slowly lose their finer texture and their fertility and then they will be known as Bangar or old alluvial. Khadar New alluvial along


Honey bees are insects that can produce honey. They live by sucking nectar and pollen from flowers. There are three types of bees in a hive. The queen, the sterile females and the males called drones. The Queen: She is the real head of the entire group of bees in a hive. She is the only one that can lay eggs. Usually there is only one queen bee in a single hive. Sterile Females: They are the ones that work for everything to make honey and protect the hive from the enemy. They cannot lay eggs they are sterile. Males or drones: They the male bees. Obviously they have no functions other than to copulate and fertilize the queen bee. The bees are so perfect social insects. They live in group of 40 to 50 thousand army.            In the natural setting honey can live in various hives like tree hole, tree branches or rock crvices       To get more yield of honey, artificial hive are given to them to stay Artificial bee hive


If we look at how plants stand erect. The bryophytes are little better than the thallophyte . The bryophyte comprises plants that are very short and dwarf like the mosses and liverworts. These kind of plants grow well in the shady areas under the shade, on the surface of stone, wall, on the bark of trees on terraces. If you observe mosses ‘you can see on the outer surface of flower pot on the height of old footpath’ you may have seen them dry and lifeless during dry season but when the rain comes they all become green and soft like if they got back the lost life. These plants can tolerate dry weather and wet weather conditions in fact they seems to grow well when there is alternate wet and dry days. Hence they are also called the amphibians of the plant kingdom just frog of the animals’ kingdom. Higher in position after the bryophytes come the Pteridophytes


The part of the earth that contains life is called biosphere . We can point out where is the lithosphere , what part is hydrosphere ? From where to where is occupied by atmosphere ? But we cannot easily define the location and expanse of the biosphere . Think this way something that got a life is constituent of a biosphere . There is no exact areas to be called biosphere . But most probably we can call biosphere for such small part that comprises like the little depth of the earth surface where you find earthworms, roots or any underground beings till up to several meters above the earth surface in the atmosphere where birds can freely live and the entire water body or hydrosphere where fishes and water plants like algae and all under water life forms.

Difference amongst lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere

If the land makes the lithosphere , water makes hydrosphere and open space of gases makes atmosphere then anything possible to see life makes the biosphere . So we can call the lithosphere as the hard bed of biosphere , the hydrosphere as the soft bed of biosphere and the atmosphere as the soft blanket covering biosphere or life from above.

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