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The process of flowing of a substance from one place to another. is called diffusion. When you burn a fire you will see smoke coming out of it. The smoke slowly passes itself to all directions. Does someone cause the smoke to flow to different directions? Ofcourse not. The smoke flows naturally on its own. This phenomenon is called diffusion. Region of higher concentration: In the above example the place close to the fire has lot of smoke so it is called the region of higher concentration. Region of lower concentration: The place farther away form the fire have less smoke or no smoke at all and is called region of lower concentration. Definition "The process of flow of a substances from the region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration without any barrier for the flow is called diffusion". Let's consider another example by doing this activity: Take a glass and into it pour clean clear water. Cut small piece of blood red beet

Difference amongst lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere

If the land makes the lithosphere , water makes hydrosphere and open space of gases makes atmosphere then anything possible to see life makes the biosphere . So we can call the lithosphere as the hard bed of biosphere , the hydrosphere as the soft bed of biosphere and the atmosphere as the soft blanket covering biosphere or life from above.


Deciduous refers to situation where a thing behaves in temporary manner. When a plant has all its leaves in certain season fell down and looks like if dead branches got erected from a point on the soil. Some plants got themselves naked uncovered by leaves because they are too economy to lose water and other nutrients on the leaves. So to produce luxuriant  flowers on their bodies they have all their leaves removed. When you look at them you might wonder how those plants managed to flowers without their kitchen, the leaves. Scientists say that the deciduous plants are too showy that sometimes in a year they tend to lose control and snatch away all their leaves. They prefer to remain uncovered while they flower . They are quite showy, aren't they? Most plants in the temperate regions of the world are deciduous i.e. they shed their leaves in dry season to tie over harsh climatic conditions prevailing in that areas.

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