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Second battle of Terain

The second battle of Terain was a turning point in the Indian History as it marks the Islamic rule in Indian soil. Battle of Terain   | Representative sketch Terain is a historic place in the present day Haryana state of India Federation. First battle of Terain (1191 AD) In 1191 AD there was a battle between the king Muhammad Ghori and Prithviraj Chauhan the latter won the battle. Second battle of Terain (1192 AD) A year later in 1192 AD Muhammad Ghori come back and fought against the Chauhan. This time the Afghans were the victors. Important of the second battle of Terain The second battle of Terain was considered a turning point in the Indian history as it was this war that brought interest upon foreign Muslim rulers to set up and strengthen their possession in India. It was after this battle that Muhammad Ghori captured Delhi and Ajmer (both are in the Northern part of India). The foundation of India as the Ghori possession was strengthened when in 1194 A

Terrace Farming

Terrace farming is a method of doing agriculture in hilly areas where the hill sides are being cut open into terraces as shown in this photo Terrace Farming This type of practice prevents the fast flow of rain water in the hilly field ans hence it prevents soil erosion too. Terrace farming is practice across the world; in India, Nepal, China, Brazil, Nigeria etc


When it is not possible to say clearly whether the plant part is a stem, leaf or roots then it is called thallus. The body mushroom is not possible to say which part is root and which is stem. So its better to say the thallus. Algae or marine plants have thallus body. 


Temperate is usually used to describe the climatic condition of the world. The regions like the entire Europe , The USA , northern part of India , China, Japan, South Korea fall under the temperate climate regions. In temperate climate, the temperature is somewhere between the very hot of the equatorial region of Southern Mexico, Panama, Srilanka, Brazil, Egypt and the very cold of the polar region of the Greenland, Northern Canada. Most of the wealthiest nations of the world are located in the temperate regions. Temperate regions are neither too cold nor to warm. Those regions are perfect destinations for honeymoon and holiday lost all the year round.


Thallophytes are plants like algae do not have erect body and stem. They cannot stand erect. They are mostly found under water. Under water they look life if they can stand on their own and have some kind of branches but if you take them above the water they will just become soft and collapse all over the place. Their body is called thallus. Thus thallophyte means the plant that has thallus .

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