Second battle of Terain

The second battle of Terain was a turning point in the Indian History as it marks the Islamic rule in Indian soil.
First Battle of Terain
Battle of Terain   | Representative sketch

Terain is a historic place in the present day Haryana state of India Federation.

First battle of Terain (1191 AD)

In 1191 AD there was a battle between the king Muhammad Ghori and Prithviraj Chauhan the latter won the battle.

Second battle of Terain (1192 AD)

A year later in 1192 AD Muhammad Ghori come back and fought against the Chauhan. This time the Afghans were the victors.

Important of the second battle of Terain

The second battle of Terain was considered a turning point in the Indian history as it was this war that brought interest upon foreign Muslim rulers to set up and strengthen their possession in India.

It was after this battle that Muhammad Ghori captured Delhi and Ajmer (both are in the Northern part of India).

The foundation of India as the Ghori possession was strengthened when in 1194 AD he defeated Jaichandra, the (Rajput) ruler of Kannauj.

Soon after the two great universities of Ancient India - Nalanda and Vikramsila universities  were completely destroyed by one of the Ghori's commanders called Ikhtiyar ud din Muhammad bin Baktiyar Khalji.

Who was Muhammad Ghori?

Muhammad Ghori was considered as the real founder of the Muslim empire in India. His other name was Shihab ud din Muhammad Ghori.

Before Ghori, Muhammad bin Gazim invaded India and was ascribed as the first Muslim invader of India but he was died prematurely and so was he could not carved out colonies in India. After him the Mahmud of Ghazni was not interested in extending his Afghan based kingdom into the Indian territories. He was only popularly known as the notorious plunderer of Indian gold and wealth for his 17 successful raids of this great country.

Soon later however before Ghori could consolidated his India position he died in 1206 AD.

The unstabled India possession was left in the hands of his abled slave Qutub ud din Aibak who started a dynasty popularly known as the Slave dynasty.

Next Read - Muslim rule in India after the death of Muhammad Ghori

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