Khadar - alluvial soil

Khadar is also known as fresh alluvial soil. It is popularly known as New Alluvial.

Khadar alluvial soil is the most fertile and most productive soil on Earth. This type of soil is mostly found near the river banks in the plains.

Based on the age of formation and their fertility, alluvial soils are grouped into two groups viz - Bangar alluvial soil and Khadar alluvial soil.

Khadar - alluvial soil (New)

New Alluvial
New alluvial along the bank of Brahmaputra in Assam
It is the alluvial soil which is newly brought about by the fast flowing river during monsoon season. This soil contains fresh minerals, silts, dead leaves, gravels and sands. The freshly washed away humus and dirts from the forest by the rainfall and then by the river will be deposited along the river bank. In the plain areas these deposits will get disbursed to the paddy field and crop grown field and gave the field new and fresh manure with rich contents. These soils are light in color and are found near the river.

Bangar - alluvial soil

Old Alluvial
Old alluvial is full of rock and gravel upper reaches of
Brahmaputra in Assam
The river course always changes with the change of time. The river bank will not follow the same reute forever. When its bank becomes shallow as a result of too much deposits the river will change its course and this leads to the lesser deposits of the new alluvial soil in the bank. The khadar soil in the old river bank will slowly lose their finer texture and their fertility and then they will be known as Bangar or old alluvial.

Another point of difference between these two terms is - fresh alluvial khadar is more fertile than old alluvium bangar.

These two terms are commonly spoken and used by the people in the Northern parts of India - in the plains of Ganga - Yamuna doab.

Even within the soil of the same name there have been differences in the grade fertility and productivity which vary from place to place.

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