
Showing posts with the label Meanings

What is Joint Forest Management? Why is it important?

Joint forest management is one of the latest methods that was developed to bring about forest management strategy that is more effective and last longer. It is known in short as JFM. Through JFM conservation procedure, local people along with the forest officials should be involved in sorting out various available resources to protect the forest from the interference of intruders, poachers and indiscriminate killers of forest resources. This idea that local people should be included in the conservation of their forest and its biodiversity was considered noble and practical. The term as an idea developed in India in the 1980s.

What is Laterite soil?

Betel nut plantation is done  in the  leached  soil  of Meghalaya Laterite soil is also called Leached soil. It is mostly found in areas where there is a high amount of rainfall and snowfall and in places where the occurrence of glaciers are common. Pale red color laterite soil This soil is characterized by its high gravel content which makes it a poor supporter of plant growth. It is composed of the little amount of clay but a large amount of gravels and sands. In places like the Riwar part of the Meghalaya which received huge rainfalls the soil color ranges from red to grey. In other parts of the world, such soil is marked by pale red or just red color complexion. Laterite soil is very good for the plantation of betel nuts, tea, coconut etc. Laterite soil in Sohra, Meghalaya   (In the picture the soil was  added with farmyard manure)

Khadar - alluvial soil

Khadar is also known as fresh alluvial soil. It is popularly known as New Alluvial. Khadar alluvial soil is the most fertile and most productive soil on Earth. This type of soil is mostly found near the river banks in the plains. Based on the age of formation and their fertility, alluvial soils are grouped into two groups viz - Bangar alluvial soil and Khadar alluvial soil. Khadar - alluvial soil (New) New alluvial along the bank of Brahmaputra in Assam It is the alluvial soil which is newly brought about by the fast flowing river during monsoon season. This soil contains fresh minerals, silts, dead leaves, gravels and sands. The freshly washed away humus and dirts from the forest by the rainfall and then by the river will be deposited along the river bank. In the plain areas these deposits will get disbursed to the paddy field and crop grown field and gave the field new and fresh manure with rich contents. These soils are light in color and are found near the river.

Bangar - alluvial soil

Bangar alluvial soil is also known as Bhangar soil or old alluvial in India. It is less fertile than khadar . Bangar alluvial soil less fertile and less productive than khadar. This type of soil is mostly found near the old river banks in the plains or in the upper reaches of rivers. Based on the age of formation and their fertility, alluvial soils are grouped into two groups viz - Bangar alluvial soil and Khadar alluvium . Bangar Old alluvial is full of rock and gravel in upper reaches of Brahmaputra in Assam The river course always changes with the change of time. The river bank will not follow the same reute forever. When its bank becomes shallow as a result of too much deposits the river will change its course and this leads to the lesser deposits of the new alluvial soil in the bank. The khadar soil in the old river bank will slowly lose their finer texture and their fertility and then they will be known as Bangar or old alluvial. Khadar New alluvial along

What is Chalisa?

Chalisa is group of 40 turkish nobles very close to the ruler. This group of nobles was particularly formed to suppress the other nobles who might revolt against the emperor. In Indian medieval history the term was introduced and  founded by a Turkish emperor, Muhammad Ghori who is popularly known as the greatest slave emperor in the Medieval India. It is also known as Turkan-i-Chahalgani. It's a kind of secret agency of nobles that work inside out to put other nobles under control. Amongst the 40 members of the Turkan-i-Chahalgani or Chalisa, Balban was one of them. Balban later on seized power and became the emperor himself.

Second battle of Terain

The second battle of Terain was a turning point in the Indian History as it marks the Islamic rule in Indian soil. Battle of Terain   | Representative sketch Terain is a historic place in the present day Haryana state of India Federation. First battle of Terain (1191 AD) In 1191 AD there was a battle between the king Muhammad Ghori and Prithviraj Chauhan the latter won the battle. Second battle of Terain (1192 AD) A year later in 1192 AD Muhammad Ghori come back and fought against the Chauhan. This time the Afghans were the victors. Important of the second battle of Terain The second battle of Terain was considered a turning point in the Indian history as it was this war that brought interest upon foreign Muslim rulers to set up and strengthen their possession in India. It was after this battle that Muhammad Ghori captured Delhi and Ajmer (both are in the Northern part of India). The foundation of India as the Ghori possession was strengthened when in 1194 A

What is nikah halala?

Nikah halala is practice in muslim community that is intended to reduce polygamy. By it, a muslim man can remarry his former wife only if  his former wife - Had after divorced with him married to another man, consummate her new marriage, Divorced from that new man too and  observed separation period called 'iddaat'.

Arid soils

Arid soils are generally found in desert regions of the world. Arid soils These soils are sandy in texture and their colour  ranges from red to brown. Their taste is saline. In same places the salinity of the soil is so extreme that common salt can be obtained by simply allowing the soil solution evaporating under the action of the sunlight. The soils are generally dry due to poor water retention capacity of the soil. In some part of the year when there was no rainfall, the soil develop cracks and crevices. Thar Desert Desert soils Cracks developed in arid soils Arid soils are found in: Rajasthan India, Morocco, Sahara desert, Kalahari desert, thar desert etc. 

Master of Roster meaning

The term Master of Roster has become popular in India. In this country, it sometimes is confused with the role of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India. The Chief Justice of India, Dipak Mishra has termed once that the Chief Justice or the CJI is the master of roster. He alone is entitled by the constitution of India to run the business of the supreme court. The claim was however challenged by the other justices particularly the most senior fours who claimed that the CJI is only the first among equals. So what is the meaning of Master of Roster? It means someone who is senior and hold top position is everything. He is the master, he is the boss and so he can do anything and deals with any matter based on his judgement rather than on principles. In the legal system in the courts of India: ‘Master of the Roster’ refers to the privilege of the Chief Justice to constitute Benches to hear cases.

Terrace Farming

Terrace farming is a method of doing agriculture in hilly areas where the hill sides are being cut open into terraces as shown in this photo Terrace Farming This type of practice prevents the fast flow of rain water in the hilly field ans hence it prevents soil erosion too. Terrace farming is practice across the world; in India, Nepal, China, Brazil, Nigeria etc

Hegemony and U.S. Hegemony

Hegemony is a big term meaning big things with really big influences and its presence can be felt even from a distance. To make the meaning clearer let us think of an example that exist in the world today the U.S. Hegemony Cartoon representation of hegemony Example of hegemony with person Lets talk of an example with a political figure of the great leader of the present day Russia. Mr Putin. He rules Russia for more than two decades without any critical threats of his position. He was the President of Russia then Prime Minister and again become president and re-elect again and again. Mr Putin was seen in his country as the hegemony of power in the Russian politics. He can't be overthrown easily and his tactics to keep himself a leader seems to last forever. In fact no one in his country is even near to compete him for the post of president in Russia. The West accused him of killings and homicides of his rival leaders in order to remain in power. U.S. Hegemony


The process of flowing of a substance from one place to another. is called diffusion. When you burn a fire you will see smoke coming out of it. The smoke slowly passes itself to all directions. Does someone cause the smoke to flow to different directions? Ofcourse not. The smoke flows naturally on its own. This phenomenon is called diffusion. Region of higher concentration: In the above example the place close to the fire has lot of smoke so it is called the region of higher concentration. Region of lower concentration: The place farther away form the fire have less smoke or no smoke at all and is called region of lower concentration. Definition "The process of flow of a substances from the region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration without any barrier for the flow is called diffusion". Let's consider another example by doing this activity: Take a glass and into it pour clean clear water. Cut small piece of blood red beet

Honour Killing

Honour killing is the practice of killing one's own family member who is perceived to have done something that cause discredits and affected the name of the family. In India every year scores of young couples who fall in love to each other and got married get killed by the very close relatives of either boy or girl. The reason of murder is always associated to family strict affiliation to culture, caste system, social status and many other countless reasons. This type of killing is called ' Honour Killing '. Most common case of honour killing in marriage in an Indian family culture is the love marriage of a lower caste boy to a higher caste girl. The higher cast family thinks that such marriage would only lead to disgrace to the the family as a whole. To save their family and clan from disgrace they prefer to kill the groom or the bride or both.


Pest refers to an animal or any insect that cause destruction to crop, livestock and food products etc. Cows are pest when they destroy crops. Ants are enemy of bees because they eat honey. So ants are pest to bees.Snakes eat eggs and chickens in a poultry farm. Snakes are thus called pests of chicken. Thus any animals so long as they cause injury or damages to another animals or plants is a pest.

Integrated water management

Integrated water management is the special arrangement to meet water requirement for consumption and agriculture. Construction of dams along the river allows the government to generate electricity and water supply to localities. Irrigation to agricultural field too can be supplied from the same dam. Besides, the dam also serves to prevent flood. In places where there is scarcity of water this type of water management is very helpful to meet water needs.

Land degradation

The decrease in the quality of the land as a result of various human activities is called land degradation Illustration of land degradation Land is natural wealth. Living organism walks over the land and live their life successfully under the support of the land. Rocks, sand, minerals, humus,  and all dust particles together make the land. Land is prone to various natural disturbing forces like rainfall, wind, slope. Many activities human like practice of agriculture, construction for various developmental processes, urbanization and mining are huge factors that contribute of the loss of land. Sohra must the wettest place on earth during summer but its too the driest during dry season In areas where there is too much rainfall land will not be fertile. It is degraded as it loss its capacity to support plants and animal lives. Extreme degradation of land In dry areas like in the Middle east where the sun is so strong and the temperature is so high the land there too


Apiculture is the rearing of honey bees . Honey bees are reared for their juicy sweet liquid called honey. Honey is very rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Honey bees are seen busy making honey Photo: Homestead Mate 


Honey bees are insects that can produce honey. They live by sucking nectar and pollen from flowers. There are three types of bees in a hive. The queen, the sterile females and the males called drones. The Queen: She is the real head of the entire group of bees in a hive. She is the only one that can lay eggs. Usually there is only one queen bee in a single hive. Sterile Females: They are the ones that work for everything to make honey and protect the hive from the enemy. They cannot lay eggs they are sterile. Males or drones: They the male bees. Obviously they have no functions other than to copulate and fertilize the queen bee. The bees are so perfect social insects. They live in group of 40 to 50 thousand army.            In the natural setting honey can live in various hives like tree hole, tree branches or rock crvices       To get more yield of honey, artificial hive are given to them to stay Artificial bee hive

Soil preparation

When you cultivate anything; vegetable, fruits, wheat, maize etc first thing for you to do is to make the land ready to receive the seeds to be planted. The act of digging the soil with plough or a stick to loosen or to make the soil break open so that it become softer is called soil preparation. Plants grow better and healthier in well prepared soil. Preparation of soil is necessary before planting any plant. It helps plants to produce more tender and strong roots as early as possible. 

Mixed farming

If you cultivate crop and also rear animals in the same farm that you own, then it is called mixed farming . Example John practiced mixed farming. He cultivate vegetables and also rear pigs in his farm.

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