The question of what constitutes basic agricultural practices outline here in a nutshell.
Good yield from crops is obtained by growing good and healthy and high yielding variety seeds. Plants need four things to grow well viz - air, water, sunlight, and mineral nutrients. Besides protecting them from predators like insects, pests and other runabout livestock ensure their independent growth.
Following are some basic agricultural practices that are to be followed to get a good yield from cultivated crops.
Soil preparation | Toronto star |
First, the soil should be prepared by turning and loosening to break the large sticky lumps into smaller pieces.
Soil preparation is done by tilling follow by leveling.
Selection of seeds
Seed selection | Flickr |
To plant crop into the prepared piece of land you need seeds. Proper selection of good seeds is critical as it ensures good returns. Only healthy and undamaged seeds should be taken. High Yielding Varieties (HYV) seeds are preferred over the traditional ones for commercial production.
Sowing of seeds
Sowing of seeds | Bayer Advanced |
The selected seeds are sown into the prepared soil. Seeds sow can be done by broadcasting, drilling or transplantation methods.
Provision of manure and fertilizers
Organic manure | IndiaMart |
HYV seeds, in particular, need a large amount of water and nutrients. Provision of the right amount of manure and fertilizers is necessary for a good yield.
Irrigation of the field
Sprinkle Irrigation | Modern Farmer |
Different crops required a different quantity of water to grow. The availability of water in the right quantity is a necessity. Therefore proper knowledge of irrigation requirement of the grown crop is important. In addition, different methods of irrigation are more preferred to other.
Crop protection
Crop Protection |
Just giving your crops with the right amount of manure and fertilizers and the supply of enough water is not enough. You have to take care of them from their enemies such as insects and pests which usually come in large number to cause havoc to your plants.
Crop Harvesting | Flickr |
The most enjoyable part of agriculture is the harvesting time. Harvesting includes the cutting or plucking of the ripening crops, threshing and winnowing and finally storing them in the storage room.
keywords: Basic Agricultural Practices